Dienstag, 4. Dezember 2007

Mini Saga of chapter nine and ten

first: A Mini Saga is a short summary with exacly 50 words.

I chapter nine/ ten the band looses success. A reason for that is that Joe and Pete drink a lot and become racists. The band seperates and Dani moves with Alex to England. There they found a new band named "The Dolphins" and Alex sees Tom as a friend now.

4 Kommentare:

Püppi hat gesagt…

hey honey
nice pic^^
If i hadn't red the book I would have understood what these both chapters are about.
So well done ^^
How did you like the book?
In love, püppi

eye of the dragon hat gesagt…

They did not find a new band they created a new band^^

eye of the dragon hat gesagt…

but you wrote to found and not to knew

müsli hat gesagt…

hey d'arda,

oh kuhl, this blog is one of the chicest ^^XD
and your mini sage sound good, young and a little bit fresh ^^you used fit words and really helpful: you wrote down what a mini saga IS! I didn't read it yet, and I forgot it too! Well done and don't change your writing style!

love, priliii