task: Read chapter 8. Which situation was most exciting or interesting? Give your opinion in about 3-5 sentences (ONLY). Then invite your blog team members (BTM) to give their opinion. You should go to all your BTM to say what you think about their findings.
my BTM => Helin, Marie B., Julia B., Kim, Sophie
For me is the most interessting situiation on page 48, line 23 to 29, because there are the first austere thoughts of Alex disagreeing with Dani. I think it's not only about their different thoughts. Alex thinks ample (weitläufig) and probably he doesn't feel so good anymore concerning to travel with the band and have the hidden agenda (Hintergedanke) to be unsure if they stay a long time in the top ten.
To my BTM: Do you agree? What's your opinion?
3 Kommentare:
hey Arda!
Yes I agree with your opinion.
I also think that he want to travel to some palces he realy want to go. Like the dolphins. In my opinion Alex wasn`t realy happy with his situation (went with the band to so many different states). And Dani didn't see that.
I think your opinions are very good. I like them!
Well done. See you.
Hello d'ardamouse,
I know I'm in team 6 but I just want to praise. Your blog is very nice and I read your last post for your team, good ideas and cool, that you used quotes so your blogteammembers know where they can find the pasage if they don't know the context or something like that!
love you and see you montag,
Hey ho honey
yes i agree with you like most of the time ^^
I like that you wrote this one word also in german...
Love youuuuuuu püppi
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